College Walkathon 2021 – 17 August 2021
Important reminder
The countdown is on for the 2021 Marist College Canberra Walkathon, with sponsorship cards distributed to students. Whilst we did not hold our annual Walkathon in 2020 due to COVID restrictions, as per our very successful 2019 Walkathon and COVID restrictions pending, the 2021 Walkathon will have a distinctive Social Justice focus.
In 2021, funds raised will go towards the following service initiatives:
Catholic Care – Mackillop House
Mackillop House is a residential crisis service for women over the age of 18 who are experiencing homelessness. It currently offers shared, short-term living for up to 20 women in their own individual rooms, as well as six independent townhouses for mothers with young children. Catholic Care works with each of the residents throughout their stay at Mackillop House to develop strategies for long-term plans in relation to safe and affordable housing. Mackillop House plays a crucial role in the ACT region, supporting women experiencing homelessness and who are in crisis. Funds raised will help pay for food and essential services as well as continued maintenance and improvement of the facilities.
Br Mark May Bursary Fund
Funds raised this year will also be directed towards the Br Mark May Bursary Fund for student bursaries. These bursaries will be used to afford students within our community, who would otherwise not have the opportunity, a chance to receive a Marist education and become part of the Marist community. We know what a wonderful gift a Marist education is; being able to offer that gift to young boys and their families who are at the margins aligns centrally with the Marist values upon which our community is built.
The 2021 Walkathon will again be held at the Mt. Taylor Nature Park and surrounds. By starting and finishing at the College, we can utilise our facilities and create an exciting afternoon community atmosphere with music and entertainment on our grounds.
As a general guide, boys should seek sponsorship to the extent of $5.00 per kilometre, whether from family, relations, friends or businesses. Given our approximately 12 km course this year, this means that each student should aim to collect sponsorship to the total value of $60.00 (or $80.00 per family). Please encourage your son(s) to give the College the time and effort to make the 2021 Walkathon the most successful fundraiser to date. In many cases, friends and neighbours do not mind being asked to become sponsors, particularly given that monies raised are being directed towards such worthy causes. On the day itself, it is essential that all those not prevented by sickness attend school (regular attendance expectations apply) and undertake the prescribed walk honestly and safely.

Collection of Pledges
After the Walkathon, the final important task is to ensure the collection of pledges. We ask you to encourage your son(s) to carry out this task diligently as he is a collection agent acting for the College and all pledge money must be rigorously accounted for. We allow approximately two weeks after the event for all money to be returned. Please note: the 2021 College Walkathon is cashless and all pledges are to be transferred via the payment page (accessible via the QR code on students pledge cards or the attached image) or via this link.

The Walkathon is the College’s annual single major fundraising project. Given the emphasis on helping those in need within the community, we seek your strong support in meeting our sponsorship aim. We thank you in anticipation of your support both in encouraging your son in his participation and sponsorship.
Ryan Greer
Deputy Headmaster