Important Reminders

Boys who are sick
A reminder that no boys are to attend school if they are showing any cold or flu-like symptoms. They must remain at home and stay away from school until they are no longer showing symptoms or have attended a GP who has instructed that they are fit and safe to return.
All regular absentee procedures regarding advising the school of absence continue to apply.
Further, if boys, or family members of boys or other close contacts are tested for COVID-19, those boys are not to attend school until the results of those tests are known and are negative. Please advise the school via the Deputy Headmaster’s office if this situation occurs.
Drop offs and pick ups
Thank you to those parents and carers who have taken on board requests regarding drop off and pick up locations for students.
A reminder that both Biddlecomb and Pethebridge Streets are alternate options for drop off and pick up, and assist us to reduce traffic congestion along Marr Street at peak times, in both the morning and afternoon.
Please stay in your vehicles, let boys come to you, and be sure to follow any directions from our staff who are circulating through these locations. Please also be mindful of street signage and resident access to properties. Following these requests assists in keeping our boys and our community safe.
Ryan Greer
Deputy Headmaster