College Walkathon
Show us your 12 km…
Due to lockdown and the ongoing COVID restrictions, the College’s Walkathon was unable to proceed in August. The format of this year’s event has subsequently been altered.
Students from Years 4-12 are instead asked to safely complete the distance of 12 km in their own time and record and track this on a tracking app or step counter. Boys are invited to either walk, run or ride the distance.

Students in the Senior School are asked to please send a screenshot of their completed 12 km record to their House Group Leader by Tuesday 2 November; Junior School students can upload their record to their classroom Canvas pages.
A reminder that all pledges must be collected and funds electronically lodged by Friday 12 November via the attached link or QR code.
Donation Link QR Code:

There are some great prizes to be won!
Thank you in advance for your support of this year’s re-envisioned Walkathon!