Online Art Exhibition
Call for student artworks
The Art Department would like to thank all of the students who have contributed fantastic works to our online art exhibition so far. We saw an influx of wonderful student creations throughout the school holidays and we invite all students in the College, from Years 4 to 12, to continue sharing these with us through the final term of the year. These will be displayed in the online exhibition – Art Injection.
A student’s first name, their year level and the title of the artwork will appear alongside each submission. The first works from the online exhibition can be viewed below.
How to submit:
Students will be able to upload and share any pieces that they have created.

What to include:
- Submit the work with your name, year level, title and medium (this can be in the file name).
- A MP4 or MOV for moving image files and PDF (preferred) or PNG or JPG files
- Submit works made in any medium i.e. photography, film, drawing, digital, 3D digital, or painting.
Jo Evans
Head of Visual Arts