Serenity Prayer
I was taught by the Josephite nuns in primary school, and they taught us to channel our hopes and disappointments into the ‘Serenity Prayer’:
‘God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.’
This is perhaps a pretty wise approach to life, especially given our times. We accept the inevitable restrictions of lockdown, including not seeing friends, not attending school and not holidaying outside the ACT. We need courage to change the things we can, including getting vaccinated, looking out for those in greatest need and, for our boys, adapting to the independence and necessary skills of online learning.

Once again, I wish to thank our teachers who have worked hard to deliver a rigorous and meaningful academic online program, adjusting their curriculum and pedagogy to ensure that each boy is engaged and able to learn and grow in their academic achievement. Our students are equally deserving of our thanks and gratitude. Many have adapted well to online delivery and most have risen to the challenge for self-regulation and personal responsibility.
While most boys are managing the demands associated with the online environment, many of us need support at different times. Please visit the resources that have been loaded onto Canvas and/or make contact with the counselling staff at any time, Andrew Hackwill (Senior School) or Natalie Casey (Junior School).