Great to have the boys back
It was certainly a privilege to witness boys greet one another after such an extended period of absence. The smiles, the laughter and the sharing of experiences represented a community delighted to gather, and to return to classroom learning. Whilst online learning proved a great success for most, nothing can compare with the energy and pleasure that comes with face-to-face teaching. It is great to have the boys back, to check for their understanding on work presented, and once again articulate our academic expectations for the term ahead.
Be assured the safety and care of the boys, staff and parents, along with our responsibility to the community, remains our highest priority. We will continue to adhere to government advice in the safe management of this pandemic while also taking into consideration local conditions. We are so grateful for the magnificent support parents have provided teachers during the online learning journey. Many parents have shared amusing stories of frustration, some have had to relearn mathematical concepts, interpret poetry and research history; it has been a great learning experience for all. Many parents have grown in their appreciation of our work in educating boys into fine young men.

We are also very proud of our teaching staff for their commitment to their students during the 4 ½ weeks of online learning. There have been times of frustration with technology, but our teaching staff rallied together and their unified collegiality has been nothing short of humbling. All of us have been out of our comfort zone and we are proud to say we rose to the challenge in ways we could not have imagined. Our support staff, particularly in preparing for the boys to return, have been amazing. To our boys, our parents and to all the staff – congratulations and thank you.