Champagnat Day

Last week, Marists across the globe celebrated the feast of St Marcellin Champagnat.
Father Champagnat provides young men with an amazing model to replicate, and his spirituality has helped shape and form the fine young men of Marist College. The Champagnat story is well versed at Marist College, but I thought it important to touch on a few points.
All to Jesus through Mary
At the heart of Champagnat’s spirituality was a deep faith in God and commitment to live the Christian life in the way of the first disciple, Mary. He saw Mary as the greatest model, one who’s example of opening themselves to God and bringing Christ to life in others. Champagnat’s goal with the Little Brothers of Mary was not only to provide a quality education in the spirit of Mary, but most importantly, to introduce Christ to all, to make him known and loved. It is important to note that this goal of a Marist education has never shifted, and is the ultimate outcome for our boys, a relationship with Christ. Whilst the figure of Champagnat is highly visible, we should always be reminded that it is Jesus who should be the focus, through the model and example of Mary and Champagnat.
Champagnat shone with zeal
One of the great lines of ‘Great Man of God’ speaks to the practical nature of Champagnat’s spirituality that resonates so much with the Marist College community. A practical man, one born of the farm, Champagnat was never shy of working hard, building a love of work as one of the most important Marist characteristics. The Marist spirituality is grounded and earthy, and Father Champagnat broke the mould in the area for the priesthood, completing physical labour with enthusiasm, being the first to work and last to leave, and having an extraordinary energy and enthusiasm which sustained him through many of the challenges he faced. His example calls us to live a life of passion, taking pride in our work and ethic.
See how they love one another.
One of Marcellin’s most famous quotes was scribed in his spiritual testament, written as Champagnat lay on his death bed.
“I also urge you, my very dear brothers, with all the affection of my soul and for which you profess me, to behave in such a way that charity always reigns among you. Love one another as Christ has loved you. Let there be among you but one heart and one mind. I hope that we can say of the Little Brothers of Mary what was said of the first Christians: See how they love one other… This is the most vivid desire of my heart in these last moments of my life. Yes, my dear brothers, listen to the last words of your Father, which are those of our beloved Saviour: Love one another.”
To be Marist is to show unconditional love and respect to each other. His core message and wish for his Brothers, and for us as Marists, is one of love. A love lived out in practice and action. The image of the first Christian communities is not only aspirational but one that is hopefully experienced at Marist Canberra.
Happy Champagnat Day to all in the Marist College Community.
Liam Stakelum