God the centre
I have recently finished reading Amanda Lohrey’s deeply moving novel ‘The Labyrinth’. Its narrative about loss and self-understanding was compelling, resulting in it being awarded the 2021 Miles Franklin Award. The ancient idea of the labyrinth has become the focus of much spiritual writing recently and offers us a good metaphor for understanding life’s many twists and turns. The labyrinth looks like a maze, but unlike a maze it has no dead-ends, barriers or tricks. The single path leads each walker into the labyrinth centre, and the same path leads each traveller back into the world. By keeping an eye on the centre of the labyrinth, we can find our way in and out of the maze of interconnecting paths and patterns. It is geography for our inner journey that is paramount.
Our journey throughout this year has very much been like walking in a giant labyrinth. We moved forward, sideways and, sometimes, backwards. All of us have been in this space, but we seem to be making progress and there remains much for which to be grateful. We have witnessed resilience, generosity and creativity to teach us how to handle upheaval of any kind.

To find one’s way through the labyrinth of life to its centre, as a Catholic school in the Marist tradition, we place Jesus as our compass, our direction finder. Jesus is our inner map, our inner compass.

The year has brought out the best in many. I am always humbled by the way in which people managed with the many ‘impedimenta’ in their lives. I thank all our staff, our families, and our students who have taken up new challenges, looked after each other, and grown in character. There are many who have made this year memorable, enjoyable and successful despite obstacles and restrictions. I offer my deep gratitude for trusting us in the education and formation of your son. It is privileged work and we thank you for your support of us.