Our reputation for high achieving students is built on the deliberate nurturing of an exceptionally strong and successful learning culture. It celebrates creativity, engagement, critical thinking, and exemplary academic and co-curricular performance, bringing out the best in each boy.
Our challenging and inclusive curriculum places a strong emphasis on developing intellectual curiosity and passion for knowledge. These are great attributes we believe will prepare young men for lives full of purpose beyond our school gates, driven to make a difference in the world through generosity, service and justice.
Our teachers work closely with our boys, supporting and challenging them through rich and diverse learning opportunities that meet the needs of individual learners while stretching their abilities. Coupled with the support of classmates and friends, we set your son up to fulfil his potential.
We have a unique opportunity to teach boys that there are many good routes to becoming good men.
For over 50 years, our College has cultivated a culture that understands, accepts and celebrates boys and how they learn.
Our focus on boys’ education enables them to prosper in all areas, pursuing their interests, while encouraging them to be themselves without the preconceived notions of rigid gender expectations that can regulate their decisions and drive their development.
There is something really special about schools just for boys with teachers who understand how they learn. Our passionate and dedicated staff believe in the value of each boy and are committed to their growth. Our collaborative culture empowers our staff to work in teams that share information and the latest research to identify areas for improvement and innovation.
Our teachers place high expectations on and encourage each boy to exceed his potential.
Teachers know it is important to be able to laugh with them, to stimulate their imagination, to ignite their passions and to be able to correct them, while still conveying a sense that every boy is valued.
We are committed to being a boys' school that promotes responsible relationships and positive attitudes towards girls and women. We are uncompromising in being a safe and inclusive learning community respectful of diverse backgrounds, ethnicity, gender and nationality.
Marist teachers are passionate about creating a learning environment that speaks to the heart, expands the mind, and enriches the life of every boy entrusted to their care. The College’s Strong Minds, Gentle Hearts publication highlights the key areas of support by our teachers in providing quality boys’ education at the College.
Congratulations to the Class of 2023, their families and our academic staff on this year’s very pleasing Year 12 Certificate results. There were many stories of perseverance, resilience, and hopefully triumph. Whilst we ultimately wish for our boys to build character and work ethic, the results of the class of 2023 deserve to be celebrated.
Coaching done well may be the most effective intervention designed for human performance.Atul Gawande
Since 2019, the College has implemented Instructional and Middle Leadership Coaching to focus and develop the learning needs of our teachers.
The individual coaching approach is based on the work of Dr Jim Knight and Growth Coaching International. It is founded on research around the learning outcomes of professionals and, importantly in the case of schools, the learning outcomes of our students.
All teachers at Marist College Canberra are expected to participate biennially in coaching, with a view to enhancing student learning outcomes through improvement of their own practice and using the Marist Learning Principles as its foundation.
Instructional Coaching is the foundation of the program and all teachers participate in this format. The College also conducts Middle Leadership Coaching to enhance leadership strengths and the development of skills in the leadership of our team.