Parents/carers and students accepting these TERMS & CONDITIONS OF ENROLMENT do so understanding that they enter into a legal contractual agreement. The Enrolment Agreement (the Agreement) consists of the terms and conditions of enrolment outlined in this document, the matters set out in the Application for Enrolment form and Acceptance of Enrolment form and any further conditions of enrolment notified by the College from time to time. All person(s) having parental/carer responsibility for the enrolling student are required to read and sign these Conditions of Enrolment and agree to be bound by any revision of these conditions as deemed necessary by the College and notified to parents/carers.

1. Conformity with principles of the Catholic Faith

1.1 The College sets out to proclaim the Good News of Jesus, and the participation of every student is required in the spiritual and religious life of the College. Exemptions from this vital dimension of the College’s life for any reason would be unacceptable.

    2. Health and Safety

    2.1. The College recognises our legal obligation and responsibility for the health and safety of students and staff during our normal hours of operation, which are 8.35am – 3.10pm during term time on days the College is open to students. Additional supervision obligations are outlined in the College Supervision Policy available on College Parent Portal.

     2.2. In the interests of promoting the health and safety of students and staff, parents/carers are required to ensure that if students are not fit and well to attend school, that they do not attend school until well enough to do so. This not only protects the unwell student, but the other students and staff particularly in the case of infectious illnesses.

    3. Provision of accurate information

    3.1. All details relating to a student’s learning, physical, medical, emotional and social needs must be disclosed prior to enrolment acceptance. The College is unable to effectively care for a student and provide for his learning needs and wellbeing if we are not made fully aware of his needs at the outset. This includes the sharing by parents of test results and any government funding provided for any special needs programs, and external legal matters such as court and family orders. It is also the responsibility of parents/carers to keep the College informed of changes to such information.

    3.2. It is a requirement that families inform the College of any change to the student’s current details or family circumstances including the immediate provision of any family law, court or protection orders that relate to the student. While the College will recognise and endeavour to give effect to any family law, court or protection orders, it is not the responsibility of the College nor does it have any authority to enforce the orders or become involved in any disputes between parents, guardians or other family members.

    4. Enrolment for children with additional needs

    4.1. The Headmaster must be confident that the College has the human and physical resources to cater for any specific learning, emotional and/or social needs which a student displays. These needs must be fully documented in the application with supporting evidence provided. Failure to provide clear and accurate documentation may lead to the termination of the Enrolment Agreement and the student’s enrolment.

    4.2. Any decisions made by the College regarding ability for the school to cater for specific learning, emotional and/or social needs, including whether reasonable adjustments can be agreed between the parents/carers and Headmaster, will be in accordance with the College Disability Discrimination Policy and the Discrimination Act 1991 (ACT).

    4.3. Where any disclosed learning, physical, medical, emotional and social needs change or where any arise during the student’s enrolment, it is a requirement that parents/carers notify the College immediately.

    5. Educational services and co-curricular activities

    5.1. The College will implement subject and curriculum offerings within the parameters of relevant Commonwealth and ACT Education Acts and other applicable legislation or instruments.

    5.2. Educational services may be provided both in-person and/or remotely where physical attendance on-site it not possible due to circumstances such as a pandemic.

    5.3. The College expects full participation in events integral to the life of the College, including but not limited to: liturgical celebrations, retreats, Champagnat Day, College swimming, cross country and athletic carnivals, walkathon, camps and excursions. Apart from medical reasons supported by a doctor’s certificate, or unavoidable family emergencies, attendance is required.

    5.4. Religion Education is a compulsory subject for all students who enrol at Marist College.

    5.5. Co-curricular activities are integral to the curriculum of the College and are important ways in which the gifts of every student can be nurtured and shared. Sport participation is part of the life of the College and integral to the growth and development of each student. Participation by all – according to the relative abilities of each student – is strongly encouraged.

    5.6. It is a condition of enrolment that if a student plays Rugby, Football, Australian Rules, Cricket, Basketball, Hockey or competes in Rowing, he does so for the corresponding Marist College Club, unless exempt. Refer to the College Sports Policy available on the College website. Participation in the chosen activity may also be dependent on the student meeting College expectations during school time.

    5.7. All Year 11 and 12 students are expected to actively and positively participate in the College’s Community Service Program which is specially designed for the students. Each student is expected to complete a minimum number of community service hours which he is responsible for arranging and engaging in out of normal school hours.

    6. Assessment and updates

    6.1. Various opportunities are provided to keep parents/carers up to date with a student’s progress. These include written reports and face-to-face meetings. Contact the College for more information about the assessment and reporting schedule.

    7. Progression

    7.1. In normal circumstances students will naturally progress from one year level to the next. On occasions however, progress cannot be guaranteed. If a student is deemed to display behaviour, attitudes, and inconsistent application to work and effort which are continually contrary to the expectations of the College then that student may be required to undertake and successfully complete a period of probation before an offer of continued enrolment is made.

    8. Fees, levies, and other charges

    8.1. The College fees, levies and other charges are determined each year by Marist Schools Australia Limited. It is compulsory for school fees to be paid by way of a Direct Debit Request (DDR) arrangement on an annual, quarterly, monthly or fortnightly basis.

    8.2. A family that accepts an offer of enrolment from the College agrees and acknowledges that the family can and will fulfil their fee commitments.

    8.3. College fees, levies and other charges are paid as a condition of a student’s enrolment at the College and will continue to be payable at all times. In the event that the College is required to deliver services in an alternative mode, including online delivery, for any reason, fees, levies and other charges will continue to be payable. For the current fee structure refer to the School Fees Schedule on the College website This schedule is subject to annual review.

    8.4. In rare cases, obligations in relation to payment of fees can be varied by way of written agreement between the College and the parent. In such situations the Headmaster or College Finance Office must be contacted by the parent to explain the specific circumstances for consideration by the College. Compassion for and support of families in special circumstances, will always be a priority. It is unreasonable and unjust to other families, to ignore fee accounts or to fail to contact the College promptly if problems affecting payment arise. Enrolment may be terminated in the face of ongoing discourtesy and without the development of a sustainable repayment plan agreed to by the College.

    8.5. The signatories to the enrolment are jointly and severally liable to pay College fees, levies and other charges, regardless of any private arrangement in place between family members, including legal arrangements outlined in Court Orders. For clarity, this means that the College may choose to take individual recovery action against an individual signatory to this agreement rather than against all signatories collectively.

    9. Terms of enrolment regarding acceptable behaviour

    9.1. Membership of this College community implies specific relationships between students, staff, and parents/carers that are founded on our core Gospel beliefs and values of faith, love, justice, compassion, and hospitality. Acceptance, trust, respect, and dignity must therefore be accorded to every member of the College community. Bullying, intimidation, or threats to other persons is counter to every value we hold dear and will not be tolerated. All issues related to discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and bullying will be dealt with according to established College policies.

    9.2. Smoking, drinking alcohol, vaping, possessing marijuana or other illegal or dangerous drugs, abusing prescription drugs or using a substance in a dangerous manner are regarded as extremely serious breaches of College and personal discipline. No student may engage in these activities while at school, while travelling to and from the College, in College uniform or while engaged in any activity organised or sponsored by the College. For the more serious of these offences, the penalty is termination of the Enrolment Agreement and the student’s enrolment.

    9.3. It is a requirement of enrolment that students complete all set work. The completion of set assessment tasks, assignments and examinations is mandatory.

    9.4. Should a student cause damage to College property either through willful disregard for such property or because of careless, irresponsible or negligent behaviour as determined by the College, his parents/guardians accept full responsibility for costs of repairing such damage. Repair will be arranged by the College.

    10. Attendance

    10.1. Regular attendance and punctuality at the College and at all classes is required. It is expected that every absence is explained by parents/carers. Parents/carers must provide a note and a medical certificate if necessary, when students are absent for legitimate reasons.

    10.2. Should there be a need for extended leave during term time, a letter seeking such leave is to be forwarded to the Deputy Headmaster, or Head of Junior Schools as is relevant, well in advance of such leave. Parents/carers and students should note that exams often run to the last day of the term and should plan accordingly. Likewise, students who take days off school to complete assignments or due work are doing a serious injustice to those students who meet deadlines. The practice is unacceptable and will incur penalties.

    11. Code of Conduct and Policies

    11.1. All students and their parents/carers are required to adhere to the College Code of Conduct and College policies as published on the College Student and Parent Portals and College website, and referenced in the Parent Information Handbook and this Enrolment Agreement. These may be amended by the College as required from time to time.
    11.2. Policies may include College expectations relating to matters such as (but not limited to):
    11.2.1. Excursions
    11.2.2. Co-curricular activities
    11.2.3. Use of Information Technology and personal devices
    11.2.4. Behaviour
    11.2.5. Student absence and illness
    11.2.6. Travelling to and from school

    11.3. Each student and their parents/carers are required to accept the conditions contained in, and sign, the Student ICT Use Agreement.

    11.4. The College has a clear and required uniform and grooming code; these must be fully accepted before enrolment can be validated.

    11.5. In accordance with the College Photography & Video Recording Policy, photos and videos where students may be recognisable may be used by the College for external marketing and communication purposes. Parents/carers who do not wish for their child’s image to be used in this way may choose to Opt Out via the MyMarist Parent Portal at any time.

    11.6. If a parent/carer wishes to view any of our policies prior to entering into this Agreement, copies request may be requested by contacting College Reception.

    12. Discipline and student suspension

    12.1. Our standards and values are a precious part of our heritage. When appropriate and necessary for the College’s values to be protected and to ensure the physical and moral safety of all students, the College reserves the right to confiscate forbidden or dangerous property and to take whatever necessary action (such as searching lockers, desks, bags etc.) to deal with those suspected of threatening – by commission or omission – the good of the College community.

    12.2. Suspension and/or termination of enrolment from the College will be enforced in accordance with the College Suspension and Exclusion Policy if a student:
    12.2.1. is persistently and/or disruptively non-compliant; or
    12.2.2. acts in a way that otherwise threatens or poses an unacceptable risk to the safety or wellbeing of a member of the college or broader community.
    The Headmaster must also be satisfied that the action should be taken.

    13. Termination of student enrolment

    13.1. A student’s enrolment, and the Enrolment Agreement, will terminate in the following circumstances:
    13.1.1. Upon a student’s completion of Year 12;
    13.1.2. In the event that the parents/carers of a student elect to withdraw a student’s enrolment, provision of 10 term weeks written notice prior to withdrawal; and return of all College property, including text and library books.

    13.2. The College may terminate the Enrolment Agreement for a breach of the Enrolment Agreement, including but not limited to:
    13.2.1. A breach of student’s obligations under the Enrolment Agreement, including those obligations set out in these Terms & Conditions, the College Code of Conduct and College policies;
    13.2.2. Serious misconduct, including but not limited to a breach of conditions 9.1, 9.2 and 12.2 above;
    13.2.3. Provision of false or inaccurate information regarding the student’s enrolment;
    13.2.4. Non-attendance of the student;
    13.2.5. In accordance with the College’s Suspension and Exclusion Policy; and
    13.2.6. Failure to pay fees, levies and charges as required by these Conditions or as otherwise agreed with the College.

    13.3. If the parents/carers of a student elect to withdraw that student’s enrolment prior to completion of Year 12, and do not provide the required 10 term weeks of written notice, the parents/carers will be liable to pay fees for up to the 10-term week period following notification of withdrawal of enrolment, as determined by the College.

    13.4. If the parents/carers of a Year 12 student who is eligible for an ACT Senior Secondary Certificate wishes to seek an early departure from school attendance for the student to undertake work, study at another school or an apprenticeship, the parents/carers are required to pay the annual fees, levies and charges in full, regardless of the final date of school attendance.

    13.5. Upon termination of the Enrolment Agreement for any reason, any outstanding fees, levies and charges at the time of termination will remain due and payable. The liability of the parents/carers of a student will continue following termination until those outstanding fees, levies and charges have been paid.

    14. Limitation of Liability

    14.1. The College is not liable for loss or damage to the personal belongings of students, including but not limited to: uniform items, computer equipment and sporting and co-curricular equipment. The College is also not liable for loss or damage to student vehicles parked on College or surrounding properties.

    15. Privacy

    15.1. The College manages and protects personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), as well as the requirements of the Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997 (ACT) (the Health Privacy Principles).

    15.2. For information relating to how we obtain personal information, how we use and disclose that information and how we manage requests to access and or change that information, refer to our Privacy Policy.

    15.3. For information on how we protect the privacy of the personal information you provide when you are enrolling your child or while they are enrolled at Marist College, and how we use facial recognition systems, refer to our Information Collection Notices published on the College website.

    16. Other terms & conditions

    16.1. This Agreement is made in the jurisdiction of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).

    16.2. Parents will be advised in advance of any amendments or variations made to the Enrolment Agreement by the College.

    16.3. The signed Enrolment Agreement is the entire agreement between the parents and Marist College and supersedes any previous discussions and agreements.

    16.4. If a provision of the Agreement is invalid or unenforceable it will be carved out of the Agreement and the remaining conditions will remain enforceable.

    16.5. If the school waives a Parent’s obligations under the Agreement that will become a standalone waiver and will not change the ongoing obligations of the Parent or Marist College as set out in the Agreement.

    Acknowledgement of Terms & Conditions of Enrolment

    • I/We have read and agree to the terms and conditions set out in this Enrolment Agreement
    • The information I/we have provided to the College in relation to the student’s enrolment is true, correct, and complete
    • If there is any change to the information I/we have provided to the College, we will inform the College of that changed information and any change in circumstances which may be relevant to the Student’s wellbeing, education or enrolment.
    • All persons having parental responsibility for the student are aware and are in support of the student’s enrolment at the College.
    • I/We agree to pay all fees as notified by the College and honour all financial commitments to the College.
    • The student will comply with the College’s expectations re conduct and behaviour.

    Updated April 2024

    We/I jointly and severally agree to pay the fees, levies and other normal school charges for the student’s enrolment on a regular basis. 

    We/I acknowledge that our/my obligation to meet those fees, levies and other normal school charges shall continue until such time as any alternative arrangement is agreed to by the College, and may continue after termination of this agreement if any fees, levies and other normal school charges remain outstanding.

    We/I understand that the information that we/I have provided must be kept up to date throughout the period of enrolment and I/we agree to notify the College of any change in the information requested by the Enrolment Agreement, e.g. change of address or new court orders, etc.

    We/I consent to the collection, use, disclosure and retention of personal information about us and the student from time to time in accordance with the College’s Privacy Policy and Information Collection Notices, copies of which can be obtained from the College’s website. 

    We/I confirm that we/I have read this agreement and hereby accept all conditions of enrolment (A to W inclusive as listed in this document), and as updated from time to time.