Keeping the Faith

Those who call themselves Marist in the tradition of St Marcellin Champagnat share a common mission, the mission of the Church: to make Jesus known and loved. Each day in all that we do, this is our goal.

Courage was the hallmark of the early Brothers and remains so for staff today as we teach in a world often hostile to the values we promote.

For us as a Marist educational community, taking St Marcellin Champagnat as our inspiration, we hold fast to what is good in each person. In his life, Marcellin modelled what we know as our characteristics of Marist education: family spirit, presence, simplicity, love of work, and all done in the way of Mary.

Religious Education

The College is first and foremost a Catholic school where education in the faith is given a privileged place. For us, evangelising means "to make Jesus Christ known and loved" and to help young people "realise how much Jesus Christ loves them".

We seek to build an environment that nurtures and strengthens our students as they are grow towards fullness in Christ. Religious Education holds an integral place in this overall goal and is central to the College's broader curriculum. Education in faith includes communicating Catholic doctrine, engendering a sense of the sacred, building a Christian community and inviting young people to care with the heart of Jesus Christ.

Sacramental Programs

The College nurtures and supports all boys in their personal sacramental journey which are run through the respective parishes.

Confirmation is generally conferred upon students in Year 6. During Religious Education lessons at school, the Year 6 classes in Semester One will complete a program covering Confirmation concluding with a Reflection Day.

Eucharist is generally celebrated in Year 4. During Religious Education lessons in the Junior School, the Year 4 boys will engage in a program of prayerful celebration in preparation for their first Eucharist. The Youth Ministry Teams assist the Year 6 students in their preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation.